17 Dec 2014
MIN-Gone Hobbiting
This trip was the many of firsts: First time in New Zealand, first time being ahead in time comparatively to everyone else in the world, first time having indigestion so bad I puked, e.t.c. New Zealand is my definition of summer, as they have comfortable sweater weather summers with the country dwellers not having to sweat it out while being grilled by the sunshine that is so strong its skin cancer inducing. As usual, neither my mum nor I could drive, so we joined a package tour to the North and South Island of the Hobbit's hometown.
Before you think I'm a big fan of the Hobbit, I'm sorry to say that I have never watched a full movie of LOTR/The Hobbit and I'm more of a hugeass Potter fan having read all of the books and watched all of the 8 movies and getting so emotional when Dumbledore died. #TEAMPOTTER but yeah still I decided to head down under and discover this wonderful land of which many of my friends have fell in love with.
Started our trip in North Island from Auckland, then to Rotorua and back to Auckland again. North Island's focus was mainly on the Maori culture and it was heartwarming to see the kiwis placing so much emphasis on preserving the aboriginal heritage. Not many other countries do the same so I felt pretty touched to see them so proud to present their culture to us tourists. Experienced some Maori Madness when I was pulled out of my seat to do some... Maori dance (Till this date I have still no idea what I was doing on stage. My face throughout the whole thing was just like a SAVEMEIMDYINGFROMEMBARRASSMENT) during the Hangi Feast and performance on some fateful night in Rotorua.
South Island was all about scenery.... and also sleepless nights spent having truth or dare/beer and cider/card game parties with the rest of the teens in the group till like.......... latest 4am? We just died the next morning I swear. But this is my first time meeting people so insane within the group, we did so many crazy things like attempting to invade a cow grazing pen, taking jump shots and sitting down in the middle of the road, climbing over balconies, prank-calling our tour guide past midnight, e.t.c. I can't even describe how much (mindless) fun I had with these people for 10 wonderful days of my winter break. Best groupies, ever.
Looking out of the window yesterday in the bus back from school, I listened to Kodaline's Brand New Day again and reminisced about the days when there was nothing outside the window except for mountains, plains, rivers and millions of sheep and cows. Then, I realised, sadly, that it would be hard to recreate the same feelings I got back in NZ whilst listening to that song on those long coaching journeys.
But nonetheless, I would totally do the same things all over again.
Riding on waves, walking on sand
Digging in caves to find the treasures of the land
And if we find gold
Well, we’ll just throw it away
We can write stories bout the journeys that we made
(we could be big in Japan)
I’ll be flicking stones at your window
I’ll be waiting outside 'til you’re ready to go
Won’t you come down? Come away with me
Just think of all the places we could be
I’ll be waiting, waiting on a brand new day
Waiting on a brand new day
They said they’ll keep me here
But I couldn’t do another year
I said I’ll see you soon
Because I whistle to a different tune
Think of all the places we could be
Think of all the people we could meet
Stay hipsterrrific,
Ming Rui
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